Publications by Michele Ritterman
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"Featured Cover Interview of Michele Ritterman, Ph.D.," by Michael Hoyt, M.H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter, Vo. 39. |
“The Single Stroke: What Makes Zingers Zing," pp. 163-171, in Creative Therapy in Challenging Situations, eds. Hoyt and Bobele, Routledge, 2019. |
2014 |
"One Session Therapy: Fast New Stance Using the Three Minute Trance," The International Journal of Psychosocial and Cultural Genomics Conciousness & Health Research
"To Do the Impossible: A Four-Part Poetic Essay
on Responding to Human Evil"
"The Tao of a Woman," Chapter 24, pp. 217-231, What’s Love Got to Do With it, Hoyt. Therapist stories of Inspiration, Passion, and Renewal. Routledge. |
"One Session Therapy: Fast New Stance Using The Slow-Mo Three Minute Trance," from Hoyt and Talman. Ed. Bothel, CT. crown House Publishers. Capturing the Moment: Single Session Therapies and walk-in Services. |
"The Philosophical Position of the Ericksonian Psychotherapist," The Handbook of Ericksonian Psychotherapy, edited by Geary and Zeig, Tucker and Theisen, Inc., Publishers, February, 2002. |
2000 |
"Ten Points of Ericksonian Psychotherapy," Zeig-Tucker Publishers. |
1995 |
"Stopping the Clock," Networker, pp. 45-51, paper on time in pscyhotherapy. |
“Trance and Trauma,” 1994 NCSH Newsletter, review of Michele’s work before diagnosis of PTSD was created, by Charles Holton. Just add to list. |
"Five-Part Poetic Induction in Favor of Human Decency," accepted for publication by Brunner Mazel, editor, Jeffrey K. Zeig. |
1993 |
1992 |
"Notes of a Psychology Watcher: Words that Harm, Words that Heal," Erickson Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 3, Autumn, Phoenix, AZ. |
Living with Love and Terror,” 1991 FALL issue, VOL 27, ISSUE ON POWER AND EVIL, BY JURGEN HARGENS PP. 55-58, about the work of Michele on torture and other forms of terror. |
1990 |
"Hope Under Siege: Terror and Family Support in Chile, From Frontiers of Psychotherapy Series, " Ablex, Norwood, NJ. |
"Understanding and Treating Latin American Torture Survivers," with Rich Simon, in The Social and Political Contexts of Family Therapy, Marsha Mirkin, Allyn and Bacon, pp. 277-288. |
1988 |
"Liebe Und Terror: in Chile," Verlag Modernes Lernen, Dortmund, Germany |
"Empleo de Hipnosis en Terapia Familiar," Book Translated into Spanish, Amorrotu Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
1987 |
"Inhumanity and the Human Family," Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 7, No. 1, Editor's Guest Article. |
"Symptome: Zwschen Sozialer, Repression und Innerer Freiheit," in Familien Dynamik, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, Germany, Heft 1, Jan., pp. 15-39. |
1986 |
"Exploring Relationships Between Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Family Therapy," in Indirect Approaches in Therapy, Steve de Shazer, Ed., Aspen Publishers, Rockville, MD |
"The Bridge is Love," Report from Human Rights Taskforce of American Family Therapy Association, (AFTA). AFTA Newsletter, #26, Winter, pp.. 24-28. |
"Torture: The Counter-Therapy of the State," The Family Therapy Networker, January-February, 1987, pp. 43-47. |
"Agresion," Published in Spanish in Terapia Psicologica, Año V, No. 8, Santiago, Chile, pp. 54-60.
1968 |
"Symptoms, Social Justice and Personal Freedom"